Saturday, March 8, 2014


After a four years of being highschool student its a memorable day for me the day i am finally graduated. After a long journey of hardships, struggles and sleepless nights just to make a project or whatever take home things and modules, atlast i am here as a graduate student.

Four years of happy and sad , funny and cry , nervous and boring days of being a higshchool student it would be a memorable part in the calendar of my life to walk in front of my batch mates and proud parents, to take a bow and then finally congratulate as a graduate. In this opportunity i want to thank, To my teachers who did their duty for us to gained knowledge thanks because of you we have a courage to face the new chapter of our lives which these knowledge is our essential thing we would use in our everyday life ahead and thanks for the experiences and memories i will treasure for the rest of my life.

There is a saying “end was just a beginning”, this end of highschool years may we always remember we’re just entering or commencing in the next chapter of our lives for more and hard obstacles. Just always remember, “hundred steps to success takes one steps forward”. Do not rush in life for god will we can make it through . 

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