Wednesday, January 8, 2014



It’s the end of another chapter , now we’re facing a new chapter for a new experiences , lessons and things we must learn in everyday.

This 3rd chapter in the journey as a student as a great replenish knowing i had a strength and knowledge to go on into another chapter for a new lessons. I’am happy i got till this long with my friends, and teacher that will always teaching us the things we must learn for everyday life.

This chapter i knew there’s more things i will learn to be more productive in the future .. i hoped i can make this through till end .

I know this is not just in this point where i have to learn .. but also in everyday such as for the things a might encounter after this chapters as highschool but im not nervous because i know i have my knowledge learned from this subject for me to meet the things i will face in the future.



Whenever 25th of December has come , what in our mind is giving and sharing things such as gifts and goods as well as. But what Christmas really is?

For me Christmas is not just to give and to be given a materialistic things such as gifts but this is the great time for us to share , give and offer others a what we call love – love for each other. This is also the time to forget and forgive. For others what in their mind is santa but what really it would be is God because he’s the reason why we’re here - here in earth and as well as the blessings we gained from him.

25th of December is a very significant festivity in every Christians living but also remember let us not just remember God just in this season but in everyday of our lives , let us share what we have and also forgive and forget . again merry Christmas to all of us . spread love to each other !



Nowadays what we encountering is a what we call climate change. Where there is a too much floods, too much hot as well as too much cold of temperature and an unexpected disaster’s. And the victim is us.

We’re all busy in many things such as things and works in order to live.. but there is a things we already ruined, this is the practice and knowledge to protect our earth. In others this is just nothing because they are not yet victim of this but when they encountered and meet the anger of mother earth they would say “i should’ve help to keep mother earth clean”. Sometimes let us remind in ourselves let us not ruined our responsibility to make clean our mother earth , because this is where we lived and for us not to be victims of this climate change.

Let us remind in everyday , let us not just focused in ways for us to live but also let us remind to protect and have a care in our mother earth because with this we also lived in a long period .



Sometimes make some curious things and question , have a question that makes people agree with it. For me it’s the question “do you want equal rights as well as equal opportunities?” what all people will answer is “yes, definitely yes”

In this phenomena of ours there is a lot of barriers to make discrimination to be destroyed in the system of ours, some keep on making and building a segregation between poor and rich people. But the truth is seeing other as problem – the poor people and making a segregate gap from them makes us really a worst people as what we look at them. This way of ours , in the system of ours must be destroyed .. segregation we build must be destroyed. Let us provide the equal rights as well as equal opportunities to each other. Let us not be selfish to others. Even not giving a things or what ever that may help them just this equalities from our heart , This is much for them.

What in our Beloved God heart is “we’re all equal to him. There is no poor as well as rich”. We can prove to God we love him by simply respecting and love each others with truly in our hearts. Again – equal rights , equal opportunities .



Different colour , different beliefs , different country and different language . but beyond this barrier – languages that make some of us don’t understand others there is an universal language where the all of us know . it’s the English language .

In this world what makes as unique is our every language. All of us had a language where we can communicate to others, where we can speak out what in our mind is. speak out what in our heart is.  but sometimes there is a point we encountered people who don’t what our/my language so what we used is the English. It’s so helpful to communicate even to others who don’t understand what our every own language by using this English language .

In this time of ours let us treasure the English language , because even others don’t understand what is this for but in reality it’s a such good and better way to understand others for what they want that keep us united to each other and also understand each other .